Groundbreaking of Lavallee Brensinger designed Langdon Library addition
Newington, NH celebrates their Tricentennial today and the Groundbreaking of the Lavallee Brensinger designed addition to the Langdon Library!
Newington, NH celebrates their Tricentennial today and the Groundbreaking of the Lavallee Brensinger designed addition to the Langdon Library!
On Saturday June 1st, the City of Manchester held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the Manchester Municipal Complex, home to the Manchester Police, Fleet Maintenance and Public Works Departments, designed by Lavallee Brensinger Architects.
Reconstruction of Hillsborough-North Superior Court is on schedule and under budget, according to project managers. With the passing of each day, the old courthouse on Chestnut Street in Manchester, NH, which was gutted early this year and had extensive asbestos removed by July, looks less and less like a giant, steel shell. The project, scheduled […]